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Jo Anne first swam Midmar Mile in 2009 and began fundraising in 2014. Since then, she has raised over R600,000 for CHOC. All those who donate to the cause are made fully aware of CHOC and its purpose and vision – knowing that the money is going to such a meaningful cause means that she never loses motivation in raising money year after year.

In her words: ‘Why do I swim for CHOC? I am a mother, a daughter and a sister. We need our family more in times of ill health and crises and that’s exactly what CHOC supports. These little kiddies that are sick and ill and don’t understand what’s going on around them need their families. CHOC allows them to have the special people with them and it’s so beautiful; not only are they getting their medical assistance through CHOC, they are getting their families with them. I had some personal experience with clients of mine who reached out to CHOC and received incredible support. It’s an absolute privilege and honour to swim for CHOC and to source funds that the organisation can use to help many families.’