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In 2017, I had the privilege of being part of a team that towed Layla, a young cancer sufferer, around the 94.7 Cycle Challenge and by doing so, helped her tick off the bucket list item of completing a 94.7. Sadly, Layla lost her battle with Ependymoma a little over a year later.

When I was accepted to swim my third Charity 8 Mile Challenge, I was allocated to raise funds for CHOC and so began my (hopefully) lifelong association with this amazing organisation. Whilst I was researching the cause, the similarity between Layla and her family’s challenges whilst helping her to fight cancer, and what CHOC was aiming to achieve from a family support perspective really resonated with me. It was clear that the treatment of these little champions is only part of the fight. Having witnessed the toll this illness takes on all involved and being a parent myself, the work CHOC does has become close to my heart.

I was welcomed into the 8 Mile team with open arms. The passion with which every fund raiser and CHOC staff member launches themselves into the fundraising is really is amazing. Not only do we get to participate in some of the greatest events that are on offer to us, but we get to raise funds and much needed awareness to such an incredible cause in the process. This year marked a real milestone for me personally, when my daughter was also welcomed into the CHOC team at Midmar Mile. We hope this means that we’ll be extending our support for this worthy cause for at least one more generation!

To those who work for CHOC, thank you so much for making our association with this amazing cause such an incredible treat. It is truly an honour to get to raise funds for such an incredible and passionate organisation. The people I swim with are such a vibrant community that I look forward to seeing and spending a weekend with every year. I cannot wait for 2023 and every year beyond!