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From the Event Line Up for the weekend, to registration, parking, timing and more: here is your run down of all the information you need for the 52nd Edition of the aQuellé Midmar Mile.

Have a question? WhatsApp us: +27 (0) 82 758 4410


Race weekend programme of events

Saturday 8th February 2025

08:15am Event 1

  • Disabled swimmers
  • 71 years and over
  • Graeme Pope-Ellis Ironman/woman (2024 Comrades Marathon, 2024 Dusi Canoe Marathon and 2025 aQuellé Midmar Mile)
  • Ironman/woman Comrades Biathlon (2024 Comrades and 2025 aQuellé Midmar Mile)
  • Ironman/woman Dusi Biathlon (2024 Dusi Canoe Marathon and 2025 aQuellé Midmar Mile)

09:45am Event 2

  • Family Teams
    Teams comprise of minimum three and maximum five members, with top three times of the team to produce a team 'result'.

11:00am Event 3

  • Company Teams
    Teams comprise of minimum two and maximum five members, with top three times of the team to produce a team 'result'.

12:15pm Event 4

  • Non-Company Teams
    Teams comprise of minimum two and maximum five members, with top three times of the team to produce a team 'result'.

14:00pm Prizegiving

  • Prizegiving for Events 1-4 will include a press function for the next day’s events. (Start time may change slightly, depending on availability of results.)

Sunday 9th February 2025

08:30am Event 5

• Girls 13 years and under
• Women 31 years and over

09:45am Event 6

  • Boys 13 years and under
  • Men 31 years and over

11:00am Event 7

• Female 14 to 30 years

12:15pm Event 8

  • Male 14 to 30 years

14:00pm Prizegiving

  • Prizegiving for Events 5-8 will take place as soon as results permit.
Cut-off times
  • In Event 1, the official cut off time at the halfway mark (800m) is 40mins from the start of the race (only one starting batch in Event 1).
  • In Events 2-8 the official cut off time is 32 minutes at the halfway mark (800m). This time is taken from when the last starting batch enters the water in each event.
  • It will be at the discretion of the Water Safety Officer and his team as to whether a swimmer is taken off the water, depending on the circumstances and conditions at the time.
  • Any swimmer taken out of the water will be transported by boat by the Water Safety Staff to MUNRO BAY.
  • Your Timing Chip and Barcode Tag will be be taken by officials when reaching MUNRO BAY.
Charity challenge

Thursday 6th and Friday 7th February 2025

06:30am Thursday Registration

  • Please proceed to the main slipway

Each swimmer collects:

  • Race pack containing one Timing Chip on Velcro and a Barcode Tag
  • Swim Cap

Please consult with your Charity Head for further arrangements in place over these two days.

07:30am Swim begins each day

  • 8-mile swimmers complete 4 miles each day
  • 16-mile swimmers complete 8 miles each day
  • Water will be cleared each day by 14:00pm

Blackhurst Peninsular (Race Start) opens 07:00am on both days.

  • Registration for all Race Weekend events takes place at Midmar Dam on Race Weekend
  • No Race Packs are handed out prior to the day of your swim
    Swimmers to enter the fenced SWIMMERS ONLY area outside the Registration Tent
Pre-entry pack collection

Allow at least one hour before your event.

  • Join the correct marked queue for your Event (Priority will be given to the next event of the morning)
  • Your Swim Cap and RACE PACK (containing your Timing Chip and Barcode Tag) are allocated to you at one of the PRE ENTRIES counters
  • Keep your packet closed until you reach the COMPULSORY CHIP CHECK station BEFORE YOU EXIT (Any queries raised at Chip Check will be dealt with before you proceed to exit)
  • Once cleared for EXIT, proceed to BODY MARKING with your Timing Chip on your ankle, Barcode Tag inside your swimming costume and correctly Body Marked, proceed to batched start pens
Bulk/group entries

Allow at least one hour before your event.

  • RACE PACKS will be packed per event with the correct Swim Caps included
  • Collection is from a SEPARATE ENTRANCE in the REGISTRATION TENT
  • Please send one person to collect for the group
  • You will be given RACE PACKS and Swim Caps for one event at a time
  • Follow Steps 3 and 4 in the PRE ENTRY
Late entries

Allow at least two hours before your event.

Event 1 - R500
Disable and over 71 categories only

Event 2-8 - R600

  • Payment can be made with CASH, CREDIT CARD or ZAPPER
  • Once your Timing Chip, Barcode Tag and Swim Cap are allocated to you, please follow Steps 3 and 4 in the PRE ENTRY PACK COLLECTION section above
Enquiries (start)

Our Team will be in place to deal with queries such as:

  • Necessary corrections to personal details
  • Event changes
  • Starting Batch changes (NB once seeding is complete, swimmers may only be allowed to move to a batch behind them, not forward. This is for reasons of Water Safety.)

PLEASE NOTE that NO SUBSTITUTION of one swimmer for another is allowed under any circumstances. Should a swimmer not attend the event or withdraw for any reason, NO REFUNDS will be issued.

Your barcode tag
  • Your barcode tag is in your RACE PACK allocated to you at REGISTRATION
  • The Barcode Tag is issued as part of Water Safety and Timing Back Up
  • The number on the Barcode Tag is the same as the number on the outside of the RACE PACK
  • Attach it to the inside of your swimming costume with the safety pin provided
  • AT THE FINISH hand your Barcode Tag to one of the marshals on duty
Your swim cap

This is allocated to you at REGISTRATION and the colour depends on the starting batch you are allocated to according to your seeding time.

There are five starting batches in Events 2-8 with each one leaving on a gun start 3 minutes apart.

Batch 1: Orange
Batch 2: Blue
Batch 3: Yellow
Batch 4: Green
Batch 5: White

At the START, enter the BATCH PEN that is the same colour as your SWIM CAP.

Event 5 and 6 (31/over)

Swimmers aged 31 years and over will receive a COLOURED WRISTBAND at REGISTRATION to assist exiting via the correct channel at the FINISH.

Ages 31-40: PINK
Ages 41-50: YELLOW
Ages 51/Over: WHITE

Attach to your RIGHT WRIST.

Your timing chip
  • This is in your RACE PACK allocated to you at REGISTRATION
  • Attach the Timing Chip to either ankle with the Velcro supplied – if it is attached anywhere else you will not receive a result
  • Ensure the Timing Chip has the number facing outwards (not on the inside of your leg)
  • AT THE FINISH hand your Timing Chip to one of the marshals on duty EVEN IF you are swimming another event (you will need to go to REGISTRATION to be issued with the RACE PACK for your next event

LOST CHIPS WILL BE CHARGED AT R200 at the discretion of the Race Organisers.

Body marking

Every swimmer is BODY MARKED on ARMS and BACK OF SHOULDERS with the NUMBER on the FIRST RACE PACK they received during 2025 Midmar Mile.

If you are swimming multiple events you will retain the number you were first BODY MARKED with (even though you will receive a RACE PACK with a different number).

Body Marking is managed by Action Photo after exiting REGISTRATION and before proceeding to your Starting Batch Pen.

Midmar Dam/Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife gate entrance fee

Fees will be published soon.

Bus shuttles

Arrangements will be announced as soon as confirmed.

Traffic flow

The two-way traffic flow between the START and FINISH will remain in operation this year. Please take note of the routes by referring to the main map of the dam. Specially marked parking areas will be available, depending on which lane you enter the dam, as well as attendants on duty to help you enter and park with the least inconvenience possible.


PLEASE PARK WHERE THE SECURITY OFFICIALS DIRECT YOU. Bhejane Security and Mi7 will be on site doing their best to ensure personal and vehicle security so you can enjoy the event.

Please note that you do park at your own risk and your belongings are your responsibility.

Official photographer

Action Photo SA is the official photographer of the aQuellé Midmar Mile.

The Action Photo SA team run BODY MARKING at the START and will ensure the correct number is written in bold on BOTH ARMS and the BACK OF YOUR SHOULDERS for identification purposes.

All photography enquiries should be directed to Action Photo SA: +27 (0)71 550 9312


All Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife indemnity rules will apply. Events will take place irrespective of weather conditions, unless officials from KZN Wildlife deem conditions to be unsafe. Should it not be possible to hold the event, beyond the control of the Organising Committee, medals will be issued and no entry fees will be refunded.

The finish

Gaining the most accurate results for the race depends on the cooperation of all finishers, so please take note of the following requests:

  • As you approach the FINISH, you will see the Finish Channels numbered 1 to 6 from left to right
  • Once in a channel, please do not change your order - remain behind the person in front of you
  • Get your Barcode Tag ready to hand in at the top end of the channel (do not drop the safety pin on the ground as this could cause an injury to someone else
  • Use the box at the end of the channel to discard the safety pin
    Hand in your Barcode Tag and Timing Chip to the collector at the end of the channel. If you have lost either or both items, your details will be recorded
  • Please Note: Swimmers caught unofficially swimming in the race will receive a life ban from the event
  • Once the Barcode Tag and Timing Chip is handed in, continue to the aQuellé refreshment area, where you will receive a drink, collecting your FINISHERS MEDAL on your way

The manpower on the water this year over the course of four days will see over 100 qualified lifeguards adding to the safety of the swim.
Together with the lifeguards, the SA Navy, SAPS Diving Unit and Mi7 Medical will all be on the water during the races.

For safety reasons, ONLY OFFICIAL BOATS will be allowed to follow the swimmers. Unofficial power boats entering the yachting area may be impounded by KZN Ezemvelo Wildlife officials.

Mi7 Medical staff will be in place throughout the event for medical emergencies. Hibiscus Hospital Group are providing medical assistance at the FINISH.

Medical staff will be on hand at the START, ON THE WATER and MUNRO BAY. Please notify an official should you require medical attention.

NB: The onus is on the swimmer to supply and make arrangements regarding special medical or health requirements while competing.


The following will result in a
swimmer being disqualified and no time being recorded:

  • Swimmers failing to obey the rules or Official’s instructions; also any action that may bring the event into disrepute (which may also lead to further disciplinary action)
  • Receiving assistance while swimming (aside from assistance required for Disabled swimmers in Event 1) including the use of swimming aids (NB use of wetsuits is allowed but will disqualify the swimmer from a position/prize in their category)
  • Substituting one swimmer with another or finishing the event without having entered and registered
  • Wearing any other Swim Cap than the one allocated to them at REGISTRATION
Medals, prizes and seeding events


SUNDAY 9 FEBRUARY | 14h00* EVENTS 5-8 (*as close to this time as results permit)

Age Group Winners to please make provisions to be at Prizegiving. Prize money will be forfeited if you do not attend.



Prizemoney will only be paid over after Prizegiving, but within 14 days of the event and subject to doping clearance where applicable.

In Events 5 to 8, only swimmers seeded in the first batch (orange cap) will be eligible for prizes. The organisers reserve the right to accept seeding times outside of the seeding events, and the onus is on the entrant to ensure correct seeding.

Event 5 and 6 special instructions

Swimmers in Events 5 and 6 please take note of the FINISH CHANNELS AS FOLLOWS:

CHANNEL 1: 13 Years and Under
CHANNELS 2 AND 3: 31-40 Years
CHANNELS 4 AND 5: 41-50 Years
CHANNEL 6: 51 Years and Over

Please keep to these lanes as much as possible. Any changes will be made clear by the marshals on duty.