Riddin dives into 8-Mile Charity Challenge at aQuellé Midmar Mile
Riddin dives into 8-Mile Charity Challenge at aQuellé Midmar Mile
Each year, the aQuellé Midmar Mile remains a celebration of tenacity, camaraderie, and community, and this year race director Wayne Riddin is taking the spirit of the event to heart in a deeply personal way.
In 2025, Riddin will not only oversee the world’s largest open water swimming event, which takes place from 6-9 February, but will also participate in the 8-Mile Charity Challenge to honour the memory of friends and family members who have passed away.
“I’m trying to make 2025 a more memorable year by also swimming the eight miles at the aQuellé Midmar Mile next month, raising funds for CANSA and Frankie Says,” revealed Riddin, who is a two-time winner of the famous event, having claimed the men’s title in 1975 and 1976.
The cause is one that hits close to home for the veteran race director.
“My wife lost her mom to cancer in 2013, the same year my brother Alwyn passed away after so many years of helping me at Midmar,” Riddin shared.
“Then last year August I lost my best friend Frank Knowles who announced with me at the finish, so I’m swimming in memory of them as well as the many others who are no longer with us.”
Riddin revealed he is also swimming in memory of Mike and Yvonne Arbuthnot, the founder of the aQuellé Midmar Mile and his wife who always supported the event, Clive Chapman (the organiser for the first 18 years), Jack Haskins – who worked on the safety of the event throughout Riddin’s years of organising, Dea Slattery, who helped with the disabled categories, Lorna Cochran – who set the record by finishing the race at the age of 91, journalist Tommy Ballantyne – who spent many years on the lead boat covering the race as well as swimming the event, and Paul Lanterme – the oldest to finish the 8 miles in 2023.”
The 8-Mile Charity Challenge, a gruelling undertaking where participants swim four miles on the first day and another four on the second, raises funds for various charitable causes. This year, Riddin has chosen to support CANSA (The Cancer Association of South Africa) and Frankie Says, a global learn-to-swim campaign.
“My thanks go to Chad Gifford for giving me that inspirational challenge despite the organisational challenges that go with it!” Riddin added, expressing his gratitude to the two-time amputee and aQuellé Midmar Mile regular for inspiring the opportunity to give back in such a meaningful way.
As a hugely respected figure in the swimming community, Riddin’s participation is sure to inspire many and draw further attention to the importance of the causes he is championing.
This year’s charity swimmers will be raising funds for CHOC, Pink Drive, Ezemvelo Wildlife, CANSA, Happy Bundles, the Mr Price Foundation, the Chad le Clos Foundation, the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation, and Frankie Says Swim Safe, Swim for Life.
The 8-Mile Charity Challenge is scheduled to take place on the first two days of the aQuellé Midmar Mile on 6 and7 February with the main race days set for 8 and 9 February.
For more information on the 8-Mile Charity Challenge and the aQuellé Midmar Mile, head to www.midmarmile.com.